Steve's 3 Minute Coaching
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(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement, or enlightenment.) “Thinking seriously about the future can be a…
(Principles are basic truths that, when applied, cause success to come to you more easily and…
(Principles are basic truths that, when applied, cause success to come to you more easily and…
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S:1522 Quote: Richer
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement, or enlightenment.) “Isn’t it odd. We can only see our outsides, but nearly everything happens on the inside.” Charlie Mackesy – The Boy, the mole, the fox and the Horse Coaching Point: The more we see the inside, the richer life gets. Which is odd. Some seem to think …
S:1521 Principle: Now…
(Principles are basic truths that, when applied, cause success to come to you more easily and more quickly.) Consider these two arrangements of the same words: Everything is different now.andEverything is different. Now The first is a statement that can lay pretty flat. It’s rarely used as a positive expectation. It may be a lament …
S:1520 Distinction: Up vs. Down
(Distinctions are subtleties of language that, when gotten, cause a shift in a belief, behavior, value, or attitude.) Imagine you are in your workshop, or your kitchen, or your office. Now imagine you have finished using a tool, appliance, or utensil. At that point, many people would put down what they had finished using. That …
S:1519 Quote: Ah-Ha
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement, or enlightenment.) “All the important phases of our life start at a turning point—something someone says to us, something we read, somewhere we visit, or some sudden inspiration that comes out of nowhere. The turning point may be insignificant to us at the time, but looking back we see …
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