Steve's 3 Minute Coaching
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(Great questions lead to great answers; weak questions, weak ones.) “What Do I Mean To You?”…
(Distinctions are subtleties of language that, when gotten, cause a shift in a belief, behavior, value,…
(Principles are basic truths that, when applied, cause success to come to you easier and quicker.)…
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S:1502 Quote: Lose Yourself
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement, or enlightenment.) “Once she had read about a meadow in the forest that could only be found by someone who had lost their way. To her mind this captured some of the mystical dimension of human existence. If only one dared to get lost, one could find the unexpected.” …
S:1501 Distinction: Expand vs. Constrict
(Distinctions are subtleties of language that, when gotten, cause a shift in a belief, behavior, value, or attitude.) A belief can be like a flywheel. When we hear information that agrees with a belief, it adds energy to the flywheel. This strengthens the belief. A risk of this is the well-known confirmation bias. It constricts. …
S:1500 Great Question: Now What?
(Great questions lead to great answers; weak questions, weak ones.) “Now What?” Coaching Point: This is a Great Question on two levels. First, it serves as a centering question with the byproduct benefit of avoiding or eliminating overwhelm. ‘Now What’ puts us in our place of greatest power and possibility: Now. It’s easy to be …
S:1499 Quote: Baffled Mind
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement, or enlightenment.) “The mind that is not baffled is not employed.” Wendell Berry Coaching Point: The full text is, “It may be that when we no longer knowwhich way to go we have begun our real journey. The mind that is not baffled is not employed. The impeded stream …
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