(Principles are basic truths that, when applied, cause success to come to you easier and quicker.)
Everyone has a built-in need for security, but just because you do doesn t mean that maintaining security has to be the focus of your life.
Instead, to focus on freedom means that you are creating a life of choice; freedom to choose who you are with, what you do, and where you go. If you decide to make creating freedom your focus, what do you do next?
It s hard to be free if you re dragging around a lot of “stuff.” Clean up your physical environments. Handle the incomplete relationship issues from your past. Identify the things you are tolerating and resolve them. This look backwards, and the resulting work, may take up to a year. Get help. It doesn t have to be hard.
Next, build reserves in all areas of your life — reserves of money (of course, everybody goes there first), but also reserves of energy, love, opportunities, resources and knowledge. Having reserves, abundant reserves, means never having to do something. Instead it means only doing what you choose to do. Being at choice is what freedom is about.
Freedom is a responsibility. If you choose to be free, you are also choosing to be responsible for creating and maintaining it for life. You will not have anyone else to blame for your lack of freedom.
But once you’ve made the leap, you will no longer worry about security.
Copyright 2003 Steve Straus. All rights reserved.