(Principles are basic truths that, when applied, cause success to come to you easier and quicker.)


The old saying is, “Your character is … what you do when no one is watching.” Maybe your parents told you that when they were lecturing you about one of your transgressions. They wanted you to be “good” and “do the right thing.” Great reasons to develop character.

Today, character is more important than ever. It is one of the attributes which determine what you attract in life. You can certainly achieve great outcomes with “low” character, but it takes a lot of hard work and gets harder over time.

If you want, you can develop your character, in fact, you can develop more character than you need (a reserve of character — what a notion!). [Developing more character than you need is one of the 28 Principles of Attraction as defined by Thomas Leonard.]

Character is the sum of all your qualities. With a fully developed character you will have confidence, style and grace. To develop yours, work on strengthening your integrity, clean up your relationships (including the ones you need to end) and practice expressing your life fully.

What do YOU do when no one is watching?


Copyright 2003 Steve Straus. All rights reserved.