(Principles are basic truths that, when applied, cause success to come to you easier and quicker.)
At this time of year it’s popular (not very effective, but nonetheless popular) to write a set of New Year’s Resolutions. In them we list all the negative traits about our self which we want to change and we resolve to change them.
Much more effective is to list all your core values –
– What do you stand for?
– Who are you really?
– What brings you the greatest sense of satisfaction?
– How do you spend your time?
– Where do you spend your money?
Answering questions like these will quickly show you what you value.
Not what you think you should value, but what you really do.
When you know your core, you can start to allocate more of the new year’s time and resources to enhance your life. Rather than trying to fix what’s wrong.
Copyright 2004 Steve Straus. All rights reserved.