(Distinctions are subtleties of language that, when gotten, cause a shift in a belief, behavior, value or attitude.)


At some point you may have had to do something “out of necessity.” It s a phrase used a lot.

To do something by design is different. It means you are at choice; you have a desire to do it; and you are drawn to it.

Doing something by necessity means that you have to; you may be reacting; and you are pushed into action.

A life lived by design can have joy, creativity, a sense of abundance, and clarity of purpose. A life designed includes resources beyond yourself.

Actions bourn of necessity can have struggle, a sense of scarcity, and, sometimes, feeling like a victim, alone…. sigh!


Coaching Point: Do what you must, of course, but are you also designing what you want?


Copyright 2005 Steve Straus. All rights reserved.