(Principles are basic truths that, when applied, cause success to come to you easier and quicker.)


It’s useful to have goals. When you describe your goals they’re usually for specific monetary amounts, times, or numbers, in other words, measurable metrics. Subtly, you may be introducing an additional factor into your goals.

You may be seeing the goals as things to “shoot for.” You may be unconsciously setting the goal as a ceiling. This can be a by-product of the traditional way goal-setting has been taught — “Aim for the Stars! If you fall short, you’ll still hit the Moon.” [A bizarre idea in itself. Why would you aim for something other than what you intend to hit? But, never mind.]

The effect of the goal-as-ceiling model is that you set yourself up to relax as you near the goal and may then find yourself falling short of the goal.

Try this instead. Set your goals as the minimum you’re willing to accept. This is setting your goals as floors rather than ceilings. Granted, the floor of a new goal may be above where you are now, but your intent is to surpass the goal, never allowing yourself to fall below the floor you’ve set. See yourself looking down at a goal you’ve exceeded rather than up at a goal that appears out of reach.

It’s useful to have goals. Goals-as-floors can be much more motivating and successful for you than goals-as-ceilings.


Coaching Point: Is there one goal on which you can try this floor/ceiling idea?


Copyright 2007 Steve Straus. All rights reserved.