(Principles are basic truths that, when applied, cause success to come to you easier and quicker.)
There is someone you know who is perfect in all respects. They never make a mistake, are always on time, have terrific recall, are a master of planning, and live without fear.
Who is this? You know them intimately. It is with you always. It is the Idealized You.
The idealized you is the person you may be comparing yourself to. When you judge yourself for making a mistake or missing an opportunity the judging may be relative to what you ‘could’ or ‘should’ have done, what your idealized self would most certainly have done.
Learn from others, sure. Be inspired by others, you bet. Compare yourself to others, not useful. You always fall short of a comparison to your idealized self. Always.
Comparison to others is a fools game in general and it’s a sure losing proposition when the comparison is to your idealized self.
Coaching Point: What if you released your idealized self to live his or her life, that fantasy, and you simply wished it well, releasing any need to compare yourself to it?
Copyright 2014 Steve Straus. All rights reserved.