(Great questions lead to great answers; weak questions, weak ones.)


“What is the Big Lie I’m telling myself?”


Coaching Point: Your Big Lie is that story you tell yourself which is holding you back from living the full expression of your life.

You may be completely unconscious to the story.

Or you may be aware of it and simply don’t see its impact.

Or you may be unwilling to acknowledge it for fear it will invalidate some of your chosen behavior.

The story may be about you — an inside story, some self image issue which is holding you back, a way you are holding yourself small.

Or it may be about what they won’t let you do, seeing the outside world as the cause of your situation.

The really good news is your Big Lie is just that, a lie. It’s not true. It’s made up.

When you see your Big Lie for what it is it begins to evaporate, losing its grip on you. What freedom!

Everybody has a Big Lie. What’s yours?


Copyright 2014 Steve Straus. All rights reserved.