(Principles are basic truths that, when applied, cause success to come to you easier and quicker.)


If you see something as a problem, it’s hard to see the gift within it.

If you see something as a gift, it’s hard to see the problem within it.

What you look for determines what you see.

Now it’s true that some people think of themselves as Master Problem Solvers, looking for problems to solve in order to reinforce their self-image. That’s certainly one way to go through life. It has its toll, but it can work.

One of the benefits of having been on the planet for a while (okay, quite a while) is the awareness that most situations which were viewed as problems when they occurred have over time revealed the gifts they contained. And nearly everyone I’ve known well has at some point commented that they have become thankful for a former “problem” because of what it made possible, in other words, for the gift it brought.

What you look for determines what you see. If a problem arises, certainly, go ahead and handle it. Then as soon as you can, assume there is a gift within it and look for it.

Of course any time you experience a gift you don’t have to look for a problem within it! What you look for determines what you see.


Coaching Point: Which do yo enjoy more, gifts or problems?


Copyright 2017 Steve Straus. All rights reserved.