(Distinctions are subtleties of language that, when gotten, cause a shift in a belief, behavior, value or attitude.)

The words Acceptance and Resignation are frequently conflated. Incorrectly so, for they have quite different meanings and energies.

Acceptance is about what-is-so, right here, right now without interpretation. When you experience acceptance you are standing in your place of greatest possibility, greatest potential. You are at choice, free to determine your next move.

Resignation has most of the components of acceptance, but also a story or two. The present moment resignation lives in also judges the past or feels the future is unreasonably limited. When one is resigned to their fate/future it lacks the possibilities acceptance has. And resignation’s present can be burdened with regrets and resentments from the past. Those past and future stories pull you down.

Resignation leaves you deflated. Sigh…

Acceptance sets you free to create. Yea…!

Coaching Point: So when you find yourself resigned – and we all do from time to time – what do you do to let go of the story, accept what is so and step into your next possibility with eager anticipation?

Copyright 2020 Steve Straus. All rights reserved.