(Principles are basic truths that, when applied, cause success to come to you easier and quicker.)
Changes occur throughout life.
Newly retired? Newly widowed?
Moved to a new town? A new country?
Sudden wealth increase? Decrease?
Age-related physical changes?
“Changes in latitudes, Changes in attitudes” so the song says.
Big changes can and typically do cause a change in lifestyle.
Every lifestyle has a learning curve.
Have you forgotten that the current lifestyle you enjoy had a learning curve? Once learned now unseen.
Rather than being frustrated by big change look at the new lifestyle it offers. Then slide into that new lifestyle’s learning curve.
Coaching Point: Are you looking at a change in lifestyle as an opportunity to slide into a new learning curve?
Copyright 2023 Steve Straus. All rights reserved.
S:1468 Principle: Lifestyle Learning Curves
Published on: December 20, 2023