(Principles are basic truths that, when applied, cause success to come to you easier and quicker.)

Driving home from the gym this morning I was behind a service van for a not-for-profit organization. Their slogan/motto/theme was painted in big letters – “Abilities Outweigh Disabilities.”

So simple. So true. But.

When we focus on the disabilities – those of our own or those we perceive in others – we see more of them. The effect is we are blocked /constrained/limited by our disabilities. The old saying is, “what you focus on expands.”

Your abilities? They are myriad, multifaceted, and meaningful. When abilities are focused upon there is no room for victim. No room for ‘I can’t.’ When abilities are ascendant possibilities grow. Truly, what you focus on expands.

Coaching Point: Do you know, acknowledge, and celebrate your abilities?

Copyright 2022 Steve Straus. All rights reserved.