(Great fears are barriers to experiencing your real life.)

Of all the Great Fears defined in these S3MCs this one is unusual in that it’s not only good to recognize it, but maybe never resolve it! Instead, use it to your benefit.

To unconsciously fear you don’t know something can be unsettling. It’s like ‘they’ know but you don’t; evokes an ‘outsider’ feeling. As with most Great Fears you might want to resolve it, get past its limiting and uncomfortable nature.

The reason is because when you’re in the grip of a fear you’re not free. Fears are little prisons. When a fear shows up you’re locked up. That’s why resolving/handling/transcending a fear can feel so good – you regain some of your inherent freedom.

But this fear may be even more important to have – and keep – than to resolve.

The wisdom of Not Knowing has been celebrated for millennia. Not knowing is a source of inspiration, creativity, that wonderful experience of ah-ha! To be comfortable with Not Knowing allows you to receive input and guidance without filtering it (blocking it) through your logical ego-based mind.

So maybe it’s not about keeping the Fear of Not Knowing. Maybe it’s about enjoying the wonder and delight of Not Knowing, where there is nothing to fear.

Coaching Point: Have you shifted from fearing Not Knowing to embracing Not Knowing?

Copyright 2022 Steve Straus. All rights reserved.