(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement, or enlightenment.)
“The wise does at once
what the fool does at last.”
Old Jewish saying
Coaching Point: I have a history of being a procrastinator. There, I’ve admitted it. And has it cost me over the years! Missed opportunities, missed relationships, missed rewards, I’ve missed-the-boat so many times by procrastinating.
As I’ve come to own my behavior (all of it, not just the ‘good’ stuff) I’ve been in the question of why have I procrastinated, why have I held back even when I strongly wanted some outcome?
With me, and maybe you, it’s largely been due to deep internal conditioning. From the past, projected onto the future.
Each time we do something where we experience a painful outcome, our mind stores it away along with accompanying emotions. When a new situation arises that looks to the unconscious mind like that ‘other thing’ we anticipate/project its pain onto the screen of the future, the movie of tomorrow. We hesitate, pull back, procrastinate.
Of course going off half-cocked is not a good idea, either. Do your due diligence, check things out, consider the downsides. But then act. Act to do, or act to not do. Procrastination is the limbo in between.
The Fool does at last what the Wise does at once.
Feeling Wise?
Copyright 2023 Steve Straus. All rights reserved.
S:1439 Quote: At Once
Published on: May 31, 2023