(Great questions lead to great answers; weak questions, weak ones.)
“What wants me?”
Coaching Point: It is important to have clarity about what you want, desire, even need. Without that there can be a tendency to wander aimlessly, drifting.
When you take the classic (What do I want?) question and turn it on its head, you see your future from a whole different perspective.
The question then becomes “What wants me?”
It shifts the process from one of defining, goal-setting, planning, list creation, action, and execution, to one of being still, opening to sense, trust, and acting on the guidance you receive. Letting what wants you draw you in a direction.
Drawn versus driven is one of the fundamental distinctions of the human condition. To drive, strive, make outcomes occur, has its place. But to be drawn, inspired is a different process altogether.
That which wants you, your participation, engagement, contribution will make itself known. It is constantly doing so. Simply a gentle and soft beckoning. Okay if you don’t respond, okay if you do.
Drowned out by the noise of outcomes latched too tightly to.
Ask people who in later life have shifted to new activities and involvements. Most will tell you the pull (the wanting) was there all along.
What wants you?
Copyright 2024 Steve Straus. All rights reserved.
S:1483 Great Question: Wants Me?
Published on: April 3, 2024