(Principles are basic truths that, when applied, cause success to come to you easier and quicker.)

A gentle jazz piece somehow found its way onto one of my playlists a couple of years ago. Always pleased with the sounds when it randomly pops up, but the title is what won’t let go of me – “Water From An Ancient Well.”

A well that is ancient is one which has been providing useful water for a long, long time. If the water had not been useful the well would have been abandoned or plugged.

How long useful? Ancient implies generations, perhaps beyond the memories of anyone living. If so, it may not even evoke thought from its current benefactors. The well and its water just an IS to them, a beneficial ‘of course.’

Coaching Point: Long after we are forgotten what would it be like for the things we do today to continue to be beneficial, like water from an ancient well?

Copyright 2024 Steve Straus. All rights reserved.