(Great questions lead to great answers; weak questions, weak ones.)
“How is the world better because of me today?”
Coaching Point: Hold on, this is not the overwhelming question it may appear. You need not visibly and knowingly change the world in a dramatic way for this question to be useful.
To the contrary, anything and everything you do has an effect, rippling out into the world. Filtering your day through this Great Question puts and keeps you in a positive-reflecting forward-leaning frame of mind.
Like most things on the top part of Life’s scale looking for it sees it, seeing it grows your awareness, a more aware you behaves differently, and different thoughts and behaviors from you cause different outcomes, different contributions.
An underling question then is, why would you want to have the world be better today?
Copyright 2024 Steve Straus. All rights reserved.
S:1494 Great Question: Better?
Published on: June 19, 2024