(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement, or enlightenment.)

“His eyes … took it all in and let only some of it out.”

A remembered line in a long un-remembered book

Coaching Point: Have you ever encountered someone like that, someone who takes it all in? If you did how would you know? What is their ‘tell’? Do you even notice how engaged they are?

How do you feel in the presence of someone like this? Does their ‘taking it all in’ have you feel heard? Understood? Connected?

This ability to quietly, almost passively, take in information is a common attribute of highly successful people. They are not reacting and judging sentence by sentence. Rather they are receiving without bias and without projecting an imagined conclusion halfway through the listening.

And these are not needy-to-be-heard, needy-to-be-thought-the-smartest-person-in-the-room kind of people.

They receive, pause, let the new input be placed alongside existing truths, discern, distill all of it, and perhaps comment.

Are you already someone who ‘takes it all in’?

Copyright 2024 Steve Straus. All rights reserved.