(Principles are basic truths that, when applied, cause success to come to you easier and quicker.)

In military aviation there is a device known as a heat-seeking missile. In the nose of the missile is extremely sensitive apparatus which can detect the difference in temperature between heat emitted by the target and the surrounding ambient temperature. The sensor sends continuous signals to the missile’s guiding fins to direct it to the target.

A Heart-Seeking Missile performs similarly.

When we pay attention (and have removed many of the distracting signals of fear and its derivatives, in other words the ambient noise) we will be guided by the signals emitted from the heart. We become heart-seeking missiles. These signals are a major part of the guidance of our true life.

If we allow them to be.

Coaching Point:
What is your heart guiding you to seek?

Copyright 2024 Steve Straus. All rights reserved.