(An unmet Need causes us to feel empty, incomplete, or less than whole. Fulfilling a Need gives us freedom to be ourselves.)
It’s part of life to disagree. Since no two people are the same, we will differ on… every topic under the sun! Each has a unique view shaped by their journey.
Disagreement is part of being human. It’s normal and acceptable. Yet, some people need to argue. They define themselves by their ability to argue.
Why argue? Somewhere along their development cycle, they discovered they could get juice from arguing. Inside, a place felt empty (the Need). They could fill it, for a time, with juice from outside by arguing.
Once you heal or let go of the Need To Argue, you become free. Free has no cost; it pays. An unresolved Need costs. And costs. And costs.
Coaching Point: Does it help you relax now that you know they are only arguing to get their need met? That it’s not personal?
Copyright 2024 Steve Straus. All rights reserved.
S:1506 Personal Need: To Argue
Published on: September 11, 2024