(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement, or enlightenment.)

“All the important phases of our life start at a turning point—something someone says to us, something we read, somewhere we visit, or some sudden inspiration that comes out of nowhere. The turning point may be insignificant to us at the time, but looking back we see that it carries tremendous power to steer us in another direction. Once on our new course, everything that went before may look like a detour.”

Joe Despenza

Coaching Point: He is describing an Ah-Ha. (sometimes written as A-Ha or aha; the sound it makes is more important than the spelling.)

The bits of enlightenment we call an ah-ha are often undervalued. They are all turning points. They deliver a new viewpoint from which to experience your life.

Fans of the ah-ha experience (of which I am one) know that, after an ah-ha, you can’t return to your old way of thinking. “You can’t un-ah-ha and ah-ha!” It is a one-way shift.

Who doesn’t have ah-ha moments? Almost no one. Many people don’t notice them. Or give them credit for a change in their life.

But some folks seek and encourage the ah-ha experience with enthusiasm. They know the cumulative benefits that come from having more of them.

They show interest and curiosity. Read and study. They discuss ideas with people who don’t agree with them. Ah-ha people are open to the flow of life.

What is a wonderful ah-ha moment you have had lately?

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