S:1449 Quote: Pilots
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement, or enlightenment.) “Pilots are a rare kind of human.They leave the ordinary surface of the world,to purify their soul in the sky,and they come down to earth,only after receiving the communion of the infinite.” Jose Maria Velasco Ibarra Coaching Point: Pilots know this about flying. It exists for others …
Read MoreS:1446 Quote: Children and Scientists
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement, or enlightenment.) “ children are innate scientists, probing, puttering, experimenting with the possible and impossible in a confused local universe. Children and scientists share an outlook on life. If I do this, what will happen? is both the motto of the child at play and the defining refrain of …
Read MoreS:1441 Quote: Freedom
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement, or enlightenment.) “He spoke of very simple things—that it is right for a gull to fly, that freedom is the very nature of his being, that whatever stands against that freedom must be set aside, be it ritual or superstition or limitation in any form.”and“The only true law is …
Read MoreS:1439 Quote: At Once
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement, or enlightenment.) “The wise does at oncewhat the fool does at last.” Old Jewish saying Coaching Point: I have a history of being a procrastinator. There, I’ve admitted it. And has it cost me over the years! Missed opportunities, missed relationships, missed rewards, I’ve missed-the-boat so many times by …
Read MoreS:1437 Quote: Discover
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement, or enlightenment.) “Everything I have discoveredI was longing for.” Jamie Beck Coaching Point: There is power in this quote. In two parts. First, she expresses an attitude of discovery. Embedded within is curiosity, a leaning into. Discovery is action. Almost always a positive, uplifting, energizing action. Taking in, taking …
Read MoreS:1434 Quote: Delighting Or Satisfying
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement, or enlightenment.) “Good service comes from satisfying your guests.Hospitality comes from delighting your guests by totally exceeding their expectations in a uniquely personal way.” Bill Marvin – The Restaurant Doctor Coaching Point: So maybe you don’t run a restaurant and wonder how this Quote can apply to you. It …
Read MoreS:1426 Quote: Rich And Poor
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement, or enlightenment.) “the only difference between a rich person and a poor person is what they do in their spare time.” Robert Kiyosaki – From his book ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ Coaching Point: Okay, I get it, this quote can be controversial, but hang in there a bit and …
Read MoreS:1422 Quote: Past And Future
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement, or enlightenment.) “Past performance is not indicative of future performance.” Stated on every financial prospectus ever printed! “To begin living like you’ve never lived beforebegin living like you’ve never lived before.” Anonymous (from more sources than can be counted) Coaching Point: Never let the past hold you back from …
Read MoreS:1418 Quote: Opportunities
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement, or enlightenment.) “Great opportunities are not seen with your eyes. They are seen with your mind.”“Most people never win because they’re more afraid of losing.”“People who avoid failure also avoid success.” Robert T. Kiyosaki Coaching Point: Are you someone who regularly imagines success? Do you always hold the inner …
Read MoreS:1413 Quote: Communication
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement, or enlightenment.) “ believing what I think someone said.” Stephen Dunn Coaching Point: Oh boy, this struck a chord. It’s about communication, about assumption. Wide open for error. Let’s break it down. First, someone said something. That’s the only part probably accurate – words were said. However those words …
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