S:1204 Quote: The Universe
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.) “We live in a self-organizing creative intelligent learning trial-and-error participatory interactive evolving universe.” Richard Thieme Coaching Point: That’s quite a mouthful! Do you agree with him? Why or why not? Copyright 2018 Steve Straus. All rights reserved. …
Read MoreS:1201 Quote: The Opinions of Others
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.) “Don’t let the opinions of the average man sway you. Dream, and he thinks you’re crazy. Succeed, and he thinks you’re lucky. Acquire wealth, and he thinks you’re greedy. Pay no attention. He simply doesn’t understand.” Robert Allen Coaching Point: What is so compelling about …
Read MoreS:1199 Quote: Each Moment
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.) “Think about a piece of music – some great symphony – we don’t expect it to get better as it develops, or that its whole purpose is to reach the final crescendo. The joy is found in listening to the music in each moment.” Alan Watts …
Read MoreS:1197 Quote: Focus
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.) “You can’t have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time.” Charles F. Kettering American inventor and philanthropist Coaching Point: This thought is pertinent to retired folks of course, but also to the rest of us. Where are your thoughts focused? …
Read MoreS:1188 Quote: Choosing to Be Happy
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.) “There comes a time in your life when you walk away from all the drama and the people who create it. You surround yourself with people who help you laugh. Forget the bad. Focus on the good. Love the people who treat you well and let …
Read MoreS:1184 Quote: Wisdom
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.) “Wisdom is the reward for a lifetime of listening…when you’d have preferred to talk.” D.J. Kaufman. Coaching Point: Why oh why is it sometimes so hard to listen? Oh, I know, it’s because I’m so smart and know so much! Yeah, that’s it. Really? Wouldn’t …
Read MoreS:1177 Quote: Enthusiasm
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.) “The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm.” Aldous Huxley Coaching Point: That’s why some people are afraid to retire, they think they will lose their enthusiasm for life. Enthusiasm is self-imposed, …
Read MoreS:1175 Quote: Fun
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.) “People rarely succeed unless they have fun at what they are doing.” Dale Carnegie Coaching Point: I frequently come across people who believe they must strive, struggle, stress, effort, or suffer to achieve outcomes. When quizzed about their approach to life they say it’s the …
Read MoreS:1171 Quote: Ego
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.) “Your ego is not your amigo.” Jared Dillian Coaching Point: He’s referring to having your ego-driven emotions interfere with making effective investment decisions. It’s certainly well known that buying and selling from either fear or greed is not useful. Many think of that which is …
Read MoreS:1168 Quote: Negativity
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.) “One eventually becomes unwilling to support negativity, within or without. This is not because it is wrong, but merely futile.” David R. Hawkins Coaching Point: “But, but, they’re wrong! I’m right!” you might think. That may be so. Or not. It depends on the context …
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