S:1164 Quote: Mastery
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.) “You cannot master the three-ring circus until you have mastered the three-ring binder.” Author unknown Coaching Point: Big visions and goals produce big results. Always be willing to go-for-it and live the life of your biggest dreams. The people who are routinely, regularly, repeatedly successful …
Read MoreS:1161 Quote: It’s Personal
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.) “All business is personal. It goes where invited. And stays where valued.” Steve Jolly (Marketing wizard) Coaching Point: This brings to mind several questions: – Are you making your business personal? – Are you giving people the opportunity to invite you in? – Are you …
Read MoreS:1153 Quote: Happens
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.) “Anything that happens, happens. Anything that, in happening, causes something else to happen, causes something else to happen. Anything that, in happening, causes itself to happen again, happens again. It doesn’t necessarily do it in chronological order, though.” Douglas Adams Coaching Point: At first reading, …
Read MoreS:1152 Quote: During The Game
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.) “We could all use a little coaching. When you’re playing the game, it’s hard to think of everything.” Jim Rohn Coaching Point: Sure, this could be slipped in as a pitch for having a Coach, but think about the general wisdom in Rohn’s observation. During …
Read MoreS:1148 Quote: To Know
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.) “To know the laws that govern the winds will give you an easy mind on your voyage around the world; otherwise, you may tremble at the appearance of every cloud.” Joshua Slocum 1844-1909 ‘Sailing Alone Around the World’ Coaching Point: Sometimes it takes work, …
Read MoreS:1144 Quote: Education
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.) “The education of circumstances is superior to that of tuition.” William Wordsworth Coaching Point: More’s to be learned outside the classroom than in? Copyright 2017 Steve Straus. All rights reserved. …
Read MoreS:1140 Quote: Humility
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.) “The most important life lesson I’ve learned is: The importance of humility. You want to shine but not so bright that you burn everything in the room. As long as you’ve got your light, people will see you and it’s all good.” Pharrell Williams Coaching …
Read MoreS:1131 Quote: Ideas
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.) “The way to get good ideas is to get lots of ideas and throw the bad ones away.” Linus Pauling Coaching Point: What techniques or processes do you use to get “lots of ideas”? How do you keep from getting attached to all of them? …
Read MoreS:1124 Quote: Purpose
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.) “The secret of man’s being is not only to live but to have something to live for.” Fyodor Dostoyevsky Coaching Point: The question of purpose provides different answers over time. Things change, you evolve, the important becomes the unimportant, the unimportant becomes the important, nothing …
Read MoreS:1123 Quote: Learning
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.) “More valuable than learning how to avoid mistakes is learning how to correct them when they occur, because they will.” Brady Lane Coaching Point: Lane was speaking about building an airplane from a kit. Learning and getting it right is pretty important when you’re a …
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